Distance-learning in Customs Practice
Fit for your daily customs transactions
The distance-learning course in customs practice is the first officially certified and accredited distance-learning course for customs practice in Germany. Ten detailed training units explain the background and practice of customs clearance as well as related subjects. The teaching materials are available as PDF files (by e-mail) or scripts (by post). You will be sent training units every two weeks. The contents reflect the requirements of the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Distance learning increasingly utilises e-learning components, including participant discussion forums and live webinars with the trainers (via Microsoft Teams). Both the chat webinars and the discussion forums are accessible via the “Moodle” learning platform. We also provide a customs glossary and list of abbreviations so you can quickly look up the technical terms you need.
aim of the distance-learning course
The AWA distance-learning course in customs practice teaches you how to handle customs formalities quickly and correctly. Learn everything you need to know about the basics of customs law and how to apply the different customs procedures in practice!
subjects of the course
- Introduction to customs
- Import clearance and free circulation
- Transit procedures
- Customs tariff and customs value
- Preferences and preferential treatment
- Finishing and bonded warehouse
- Customs debt and repayment/remission
- Export clearance and export control
- Customs duties and VAT
- Outsourcing
- Union Customs Code (UCC)
Target group
The distance-learning course is aimed at employees working in the fields of import and export, customs, taxation or logistics.
The distance-learning course is held in German. You can register by signing the distance-learning contract. To request the contract, simply send an email to fernlehrgang@awa-seminare.de.
Monitoring of achievement & Qualification
You will find review questions in each course letter to help you independently check your learning objectives. Halfway through the distance learning course, a voluntary intermediate exam is also activated on the course platform; you can then check your learning progress using the associated sample solution.
The final test takes place in June/December. Once you have passed the test we will send you a certificate of your newly acquired qualification which complies with the requirements of Bundesverband der Fernstudienanbieter e.V. association in Germany.
Tell us what you think!
We do our best to ensure that you are satisfied with your distance-learning course and would be pleased if you shared your experience with us. After each training unit and also at the end of the course, you have the opportunity to give us feedback – what did you like, what can we improve? Your contribution helps us to further improve the quality of our distance-learning course.
Customs practice
Start and duration
The course starts each year on 1 January and 1 July. The distance-learning course in customs practice lasts five months.
Participation fee
2.370,00 euros
payable in 3 instalments of 790,00€ euros (plus 19% VAT)
Planned trainers
Markus Böhne
Dipl.-Finanzwirt // Münster
Heinz-Gerd Görtz
Dipl.-Finanzwirt, Dipl.-Kaufmann // Münster
Prof. Dr. Reginhard Henke
Hans-Joachim Kampf
Dipl.-Finanzwirt // Münster
Roland Poetz
Dipl.-Finanzwirt // Nierstein
Ulf Recktenwald
Dipl.-Finanzwirt // Münster
Udo Röser
Dipl.-Finanzwirt Hochschule des Bundes
Fachbereich Finanzen // Münster
Prof. Dr. Frauke Schulmeister
Hochschule des Bundes, Fachbereich Finanzen // Münster
Gesa Schumann
Dipl.-Finanzwirtin // Berlin
Professor Dr. jur. Peter Witte
Steuerberater // Of Counsel der AWB Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH Münster // Ehem. Hochschule des Bundes – Fachbereich Finanzen