The EU Customs Competence Framework
What is it?
The European Commission recommends that seminars and training courses offered by private providers of learning services should be based on the requirements of the EU Customs CFW. Companies can then use them to prove their employees’ practical customs competence as required by the UCC.
The “AWA customs specialist” certification is based on the EU Customs CFW. It is designed for the public administration, private companies as well as providers of learning services. The Framework describes the expertise that should be proven. Accordingly, employees in companies should acquire the knowledge they actually need to perform their functions and individual tasks. According to the EU website, the Competency Framework has been developed in cooperation with public and private sector experts from EU Member States, World Customs Organisation (WCO) and other international organisations. All seminars offered by the AWA FOREIGN TRADE ACADEMY are based on the Framework. As such, you can rest assured that the contents of all AWA seminars correspond to EU standards.