AWA cooperation partner
Strong network in foreign trade
Universities, consulting companies, media partners - the AWA has an extensive network and, above all, scientific expertise that flows into our seminars and training courses. In addition, there are media partnerships. Current specialist literature is just one of the many advantages of our cooperation agreements, which you can enjoy as a participant in AWA seminars and training courses.

Verlag C.H.Beck
At the beginning of 2018, the publishing house C.H.BECK took over AWA. AWA thus became part of the Beck Group. Within the group, AWA functions as an independent company. There is also intensive cooperation with the publishing house C.H.BECK.

University of Münster
The roots of the AWA lie in the University of Münster. The connection and cooperation between the AWA and the University of Münster is still intensive (grant support, university society, Institute for Customs and International Trade Law.

Institute of Customs and International Trade Law
The University of Münster and The AWA maintain the Institute of Customs and International Trade Law. It aims to ensure that all topics of customs and foreign trade law are dealt with, in research and teaching at national, European and international level.

JUVE Verlag
JUVE Verlag is a press publishing house that reports on business lawyers in Germany and Austria as well as tax consultants. The publications are aimed at lawyers and tax advisors working in law firms as well as at lawyers and tax experts in companies and in administration and the courts.

AWB Steuerberatungs- and AWB Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft // AWB Consulting
The AWB Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH and the AWB Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH advise on customs and foreign trade law as well as value added tax and excise duty law. AWB Consulting GmbH offers project and process consulting as well as customised IT tools. know more

European Forum for Foreign Trade, Excise and Customs
Traditionally, AWA supports the European Customs Law Day of the European Forum for Foreign Trade, Excise Duty and Customs (EFA).

Außenhandelsverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e. V.
The Außenhandelsverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. is an association of companies from North Rhine-Westphalia that are active in foreign trade. Member companies are supported in all foreign trade matters.

Risk, Fraud & Compliance (ZRFC)
When it comes to compliance management, the magazine Risk, Fraud & Compliance (ZRFC) sets standards and provides best practices.

HZA Hamburger Zollakademie GmbH
In mid-2022, the AWA took over the HZA Hamburger Zollakademie GmbH. Since 2012, HZA has been the address for professional training and further education on all aspects of European customs law in Hamburg. In addition to traditional face-to-face seminars, HZA also offers workshops, in-house training and courses.