LKW und Flugzeug

für Einsteiger (Stufe 1) European and German Export Controls EEC250701

The regulation of military, dual use and commercial items in daily practice: Recognizing and avoiding risks proactively

The export of hardware, software and technology (“know-how”) as well as technical services are subject to various licensing obligations and prohibitions. The corresponding legal regulations are usually referred to as “export controls” or “export compliance” which aim to prohibit deliveries to “the wrong people” by securing economic, foreign and security policy interests. Within this training course, you will learn the basics of these regulations which are mainly covered by European and German export control law.

Recently, various sanctions and embargoes, e.g. against Syria, Iran or Russia entered into force. In this respect, even minor infringements can lead to severe penalties being imposed on the company, its management and even employees, including fines, sequestration of profits or even imprisonment. Furthermore, the loss of export privileges, revocations of commercial licenses and a damaged reputation are very likely to threaten a company’s image as a reliable partner towards its shareholders.

Consequently, the complete and efficient implementation of national and European export control regulations requires companies to put in place and actively maintain an Internal Compliance Program (ICP). To ensure compliance by means of internal measures affects all operational and strategic company operations which relate to export controls. Therefore, senior management and employees need to be aware of the legal requirements as well as the respective requirements to their daily business.


  • comprehensive course materials
  • drinks and refreshments (seminar)
  • lunch (seminar)
  • AWA certificate

your benefit

This training course provides a broad overview about German and European export control regulations. By attending the seminar/webinar you will understand the principles of the applicable laws and regulations, learn how to interpret and apply them in your operational business and understand how to strategically implement the various legal requirements within an overall Internal Compliance Program (ICP).


  • System and structure of export regulations
  • EU Dual use Regulation and German export control laws
  • Classification of war weapons, military goods and dual use goods
  • Export licensing obligations (incl. licensing procedures and end use certificates)
  • Sanctions and embargoes as well as end use and end user controls
  • Export control requirements for commercial/non-listed items (e.g. catch-all restrictions)
  • Penalties and sanctions
  • Internal Control Program (ICP) and organizational structure
  • Optional excursus: U.S. re-export regulations for Non-U.S. companies


You can download the preliminary schedule of the seminar here.
You can download the preliminary schedule of the webinar here.

Teaching Methods/Material and Intended Number of Hours

  • Lectures
  • Exercises using participant's case studies
  • Exercises using lecturer's case studies
  • Exercises using legal texts

Teaching material used

  • Legal texts, excerpts from:
    • AWG, AWV
    • EU Dual-use Regulation (EU-VO 821/2021)
    • Excerpts from the annexes to EU Regulation 821/2021
  • Other documents
    • Leaflets issued by authorities
    • Checklists, flowcharts

The training course lasts 6,5 hours.

Target group

The training course is intended for export control officers being newly appointed or requiring a refresher as well as for auditors, customs officers or other employees interfering with export control regulations or serving as an interface to export control professionals.

Important information

Participants are encouraged to submit questions, case studies and scenarios in advance.
The training course’s language is English. Even though certain national regulations are only available in German language, the European regulations, presentation slides as well as the illustrating material will be in English. U.S. Regulations will only be touched optionally and considered from a high-level perspective.

Digital training documents: Don't forget your notebook!

We have converted our training materials from paper to digital for the sake of the environment and you! To use the training materials in the seminar, please bring your own notebook or tablet and power supply!

More info...

Before, during and after the webinar

How do I take part in an AWA webinar or an online appointment? On this page you will find all the information about the required technology and the procedure for a webinar.


  • Exportkontrolle

Registration fee

From€ 690,00 plus 19% VAT.


  • Comprehensive training documentation
  • Soft drinks and refreshments during breaks
  • Lunch
  • AWA Certificate

Register now


Place & Date

AWA-Tagungszentrum München
Seidlstr. 8, 80335 München, Deutschland

Tel: +49 89599887570
Fax: +49 89242147781


There are still enough places available for this date.


09:00–17:00 h

Possible lecturer

Alexander Groba
Diplom-Wirtschaftsjurist (FH), Master of Business Administration (MBA, Steinbeis Berlin) // München


(107 Reviews)

Other dates for this training

€ 690,00 plus 19% VAT.
€ 690,00 plus 19% VAT.